Four legs are overrated.

There’s more to Jeanie than just fabulous ears...

Meet Jeanie the 3-Legged Dog! She is a Pom-Yorkie-Poodle-Papillion mix, or a “Pomayorkapoopillon”. She was born with a crippled front foot, which was amputated after she was rescued. She has the most fabulous ears on the planet, and because of her calm & gentle demeanor, Jeanie is a certified therapy dog. She visits hospitals, nursing homes, schools, libraries, and veterans homes, where she is a huge hit with amputees. Jeanie is an employee with our local Children's Advocacy Center where she sits with and comforts children as they are being questioned by forensic interviewers in abuse cases. 

A portion of all proceeds are given to shelter pets in Jeanie’s hometown.